Friday 13 March 2009

LYCOS Email service withdrawn

Email bounce rates could be spiking all over Europe this month as LYCOS stopped it's email service on the 2009-02-15. Apparently this was communicated in the press and on their websites over the past few weeks, but I don't know anybody who heard about it.

In fact, the first I heard about it was today when a friend directed me to after spotting consistent bounces for that domain - "The server isn't even taking connections". The further information page doesn't really tell us much more.

Further investigation suggests this is a pan-european service withdrawl. I'm not much of a multilinguist but these pages all seem to be saying the same thing:

I couldn't find any information on either. Curiously this seems to have not affected which is still offering email services.

You may have already heard of this and taken appropriate steps. If not, and you're using a mailing service with a strict bounce policy, I'd avoid sending to these domains until you've discussed it with your service provider.


  1. It seems other people have been blogging about this for a while, but it's still news to me...

  2. It is an informative post.

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